Saturday, May 5, 2012

12 for 12 April Update

Need a flashback to the 12 for 12 March Update?

Twelve for Twelve

1. Books.
I love seeing the books being scratched off of this To Read List here. The first week or so of April I ploughed through The Yada Yada Prayer Group Gets Down, Book 2 by Neta Jackson, Scared by Tom Davis and Confronting the Controversy - Adam Hamilton. I'm still about half way through Forgotten God by Francis Chan and still only 6 chapters through So Long Insecurity (which I may have slightly misplaced). Thanks to the Junior High Girls, I also added in the Hunger Games trilogy. Here it goes!

2. 5K.
I skipped the Blue Bell 5K. All that non-training was useful at least. I ended up doing work outreach projects with the college students and some of the youth at my church. It was worth it. I put my 24 Hour Gym membership on hold. I may end up having 2 gym memberships which is a far cry from 2 that I started my semester with. I have gotten to work out some thanks to Pinterest! (The difficulty level of some of those pins is not a lie in case you were unsure.)

I have not written any quotes down in the month of April. I am still aware of where my notebook is though! That's definitely a plus. I did organize my Pinterest boards of pins. That's something, yeah?
4. Blog.
April was definitely slightly higher. I need to find a consistent way to blog. Also, I tend to write a ton of blog posts in my head. Remember that time I blogged about the 10 Best Things About My Week? No? What about that post on My Failed Pinterest Moment? No? Yeah... there's more where that came from that never made it online... Maybe May will be the month where blog posts translate out of my head onto here.

5. Create.
I'm not sure if I designed grad invites during April or March. Either way, they were designed! I'm feeling rather uncreative although I do know that I experimented with some Pinterest recipes like mozzarella, spinach and feta quesadillas, making my own avocado pesto sauce and trying my hand at recreating Kerbey Lane's Queso. Can you say yummy?

6. Learn.
I've been reading a ton about animals and psychology lately for some reason as well as learning firsthand about jewelry making and different metals. It's been fantastic. I'm kind of ready for a tangible skill to be learned though. Any ideas?
7. Minimize.
I started to go through my college room. That didn't get too far.

8. Gratefulness.
Yet again nada. Here's to hoping May may have some real thank you notes.

9. Handmade.
I'm not sure if I had any gifts that I made. I did come up with grad gift ideas and decided that I wasn't going to bother with homemade gifts for weddings. Seriously. How in the world would I make a homemade blender? That just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

10. Intentionality.
I think this month was about seeking out and trying to invest in a few key relationships. I'm happy with the outcomes. I had to take the initiative to set a friendship straight and work out some past kinks that haven't been able to. It's now better than ever. It's been a great month. I loved finally getting to see the Johnson's especially.

11. No.
I said the hugest 'No' that I have ever had to initiate. That is all.

12. Word.
God's timing is perfect, true and right. Although it was difficult, I'm glad he not only led me to but forced the book of Jonah on me thanks to Jr. High Breakthru 2012. I really need to step up my game on this whole Grand Sweep of the Bible though.

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