Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Notation: I definitely started a long time ago on this entry, but I haven't always had my own laptop, journals, files, or Bible with me to work on it. Needless to say, it’s been a long time coming for those of y’all who have known about it. It’s here though. I hope you’re challenged… I've had some great conversations the past couple of weeks. They've ranged from beyond really frustrating to completely encouraging. I saw my friend Dan in the coffeehouse when I was in a position where I could sit with him and chat for awhile. I'm so glad I did. I love it when I run into him. He was asking me what all is going on with my life and for some reason I started to talk to him about YoCo elections at A&MUMC. There was a big focus during the elections on doing mission work in our own community. Missions is Dan's thing. He loves with a love that has encouraged me to love deeper throughout this last year up until this day. He presented a mission opportunity to me, which I later took to Clay, the youth minister that I work with. The mission is making breakfast tacos, getting some OJ and coffee and going out to the street corners where both illegal and legal immigrants wait for work. He just hangs out with them, gets to know their stories and genuinely loves on them. How awesome is that? I later told a Christian friend of mine about this opportunity. She was completely opposed to it. The church is getting into a very political field, taking sides on the immigrant issue and making the church look horrible as it does so was what she said to me. Wow. I didn't expect that. It was such a slap in the face that I was shocked about it even hours later; days later I was still thinking about it. I thought Jesus called us to love everyone. I must have missed something... but I know in my heart that I didn't miss anything. It was tough to struggle with it alone, but later in the week I ended up talking to one of my roommates about our conversation. This was such a beautiful time of fellowship where we both dug into the word about missions and other topics close to our hearts. Whether this issue is political or not, I don't really care. This isn't about pro-immigration or anti-immigration. I've argued both sides in an international migration class my freshman year here in Aggieland. This is about turning our backs on a group of people. I really don't think Jesus would roll on past on his bike or in his car, waving at those standing out there on the street corners. The Lord I know would be out there, mingling, loving, embracing and caring about them. There is no doubt about that in my mind. There's a ton of scripture about all of this: hunger, thirst, compassion, loving on those less fortunate. I’m not going to share all of them with you because I may be here for awhile just typing them. I’ll just let you get a little bit of what the book of James says about it. My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, “You sit here in a good place,” while you say to the poor man, “You stand over there,” or, “Sit down at my feet,” have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? - James 2:1-4Cause my Jesus bled and diedHe spent His time with thieves and the least of theseHe loved the poor and accosted the comfortableSo which one do you want to be?Cause my Jesus would never be accepted in my churchThe blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpetBut He reaches for the hurting and despises the proudI think He'd prefer Beale St. to the stained glass crowdAnd I know that He can hear me if I cry out loud- My Jesus by Todd AgnewIsaiah 61:1-3The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion - to give them a beautiful headdress of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified.

“My biggest fear is when I go before the judgment seat of Christ to have been found lacking - that I didn’t go to the least and the last, that I ignored people outside my own door that need Jesus, like illegal immigrants. We’re supposed to love the criminal. Yeah, they’re illegal immigrants, but Jesus still died for them. His grace is sufficient to cover that. Who are you or I to judge them? By feeding them you’re not offering amnesty, you’re offering love - a love that they might not love, but a love that was freely given to us and a love that we must freely give,” said Michael Ryan.

Monday, September 28, 2009


He's now a member of the Karlen clan! I'm going to go pick him up at God's Little Creatures on the 9th. Then, he and I'll be driving home to meet the family. Pray for his integration into our family and that he won't mind being called Joe Clyde.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Think about it.

Good morning. Visit this site. Check out the cartoon. Mull over it.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Apparently my heart is able to be won in under an hour.

It's been 11 days since I have posted which is way not okay. It's been hectic around here though. In that time, I believe I've been to two retreats, told a group of junior high girls who my crush is even though it's super light as far as crushes go and almost bought the sweetest adorable dog ever. Which of those do you think I'll be talking about?

CLYDE! The world's cutest and sweetest dog. We are perfect for each other and I'm not joking. He's got the exact same temperament as me and it's amazing. I wish he was with me right now sitting on my couch instead of my backpack, which is just not quite as adorable. I met him at Petco while trying to help Zara look for her pet rat she wants. We instantly meshed during the time that didn't even amount to an hour that we were together and now I can't get him off my mind. After a bunch of thought though, I just can't take on the responsibity of him. It makes my heart hurt. I wish my Dad would adopt him, but there doesn't seem to be a great chance with that. I would go pick him up right now, but it's just not feasible for me right now. It's exactly like Catherine said to me last night, "I wish we were older so we could do stuff like this." Amen. I'd love Clyde in my life, but it just wouldn't be fair to either of us as I don't know where God is taking me in life yet.

Ironically, that's been one of the main things on my mind lately other than some greatly unsettling things that were settled, but I won't be writing about that tonight. I've got some Wilson time to catch up on plus my professors feel like I should be writing papers, doing projects and taking tests. What a silly idea! Oh college...

Before I go though, I think Jared Anderson must love me or maybe Integrity Music emails do. Either way, he's releasing a new live cd and I want it. If you haven't listened to him you need to go check him out as he's one of my personal favorites. Also, if you're in the DC area, check this amazing event out that the Spy Museum is hosting. I wish I could buy the new Jared Anderson and listen to it on a plane ride next to my dog, Clyde, while heading to the Spy Museum.

Instead I'll listen to Jared Anderson's old music, while enjoying my yerba mate and writing in Wilson before settling down to read some Dante's Inferno. Somehow, it just doesn't seem the same...

Friday, September 11, 2009


Some days, the rain just flows.
Some days, the tears just flow.

Some days, it appears to be one way.
Some days, those appearances fade.

Some days, we will be friends forever.
Some days, we are reuniting in the midst of pain.

Today, is the 8th year after 9.11.01 happened. It's funny.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
I remember I thought Chester was saying an unfunny joke on the bus that morning.
I remember not understanding what was going on.
I remember watching the news.
I remember being in 7th grade.
I remember people leaving to go home for no reason.
I remember how our table of twenty turned into just Liz and I.
I remember watching the news in all of our classes.
I remember Mr. Carol making our history class into a art stress relief period.
I remember being on NASA's property throughout it all.
I remember asking my mom why she didn't come get me.
I remember sitting on the stairs as I watched her call our family.
I remember the crash on repeat on the tv in our kitchen.
I remember fear of the unknown.

I saw my friend Ashley Teague's status on facebook a few minutes ago. Her grandmother has died. This coupled with multiple blogs on 9.11.01 has made me teary-eyed. It was good to reconnect with Ashley a bit. We're hopefully going to a Texas A&M Woman's Basketball game this season together. I can't wait. It'll be just like old times, we'll just be missing two of our favorites: Mamaw and Papaw.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Why? Scroll to #1.

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
1. You are way too funny. I'm so glad God brought us together!
2. I'm not sure where I would be right now if I'd never met you and for that, I'm thankful.
3. Even though I don't think I've said it, I'm super super excited for where your life is heading.
4. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.
5. I miss our friendship and the way it was.
6. Please, don't ask me anymore.
7. I love you to death, but you scare me sometimes.
8. I don't think we'll ever be living in the same city ever again. 3 times a year isn't enough to see each other.
9. Thanks for being there for me. I truly cherish our friendship despite not saying it enough.
10. I wish I could be at home with you right now, watching tv.

NINE things about yourself:
1. I'm a 2%.
2. I believe in tie-dying.
3. Christ is the one who came to set me free.
4. I would rather be on a mission trip 95% of the time.
5. I have a temperature of 96.1 right now. I checked a few minutes ago.
6. I sketch.
7. I love how our living room looks like a street cafe.
8. I have no idea where God is taking me in life and I'm generally okay with that.
9. I don't ever plan on getting a tattoo.

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
1. Laughter.
2. Trust.
3. Peace.
4. Christ.
5. Support.
6. Appreciation.
7. Quality Time.
8. Adventure.

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. This phrase: "Really? Really? Really?" or a variation of it.
2. What's for dinner?
3. I wish I was in sweatpants.
4. I wonder what ______ is doing in ______ country.
5. "Wouldn't it be cool if...?"
6. I should be reading.
7. I just want to go kayaking and camping.

SIX things you do before you go to bed:
1. Facebook.
2. Turn off the lights.
3. Read my Bible.
4. Ponder.
5. Check to see my alarm time is set.
6. relax.

FIVE people who mean a lot to you:
I'm doing categories: Family, CL Friends, A&M UMC Friends, College Friends & Old Church Friends.

FOUR things you’re wearing right now:
1. Sweatshirt
2. ASC Shirt
3. A&M Windbreaker Pants
4. Ponytail Holder

THREE songs that fit your life perfectly:
They don't fit, but I like them:
1. "Unashamed Love" - Jason Morant
2. "I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz
3. "Come Thou Fount (Of Every Blessing)"

TWO things you want to do before you die:
1.Travel the World
2. Learn to love like Christ as well as I possibly can.

ONE confession:
1. I should be reading for my classes tomorrow, but taking this survey felt like it would make a much more significant impact in my life. Yeah right! Off to read...

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I'm an Aggie. Yesterday was a Saturday here in Aggieland (and everywhere else as far as I know). More than that though, it was the day where the 12th man came together in Kyle Field for the first game of the season. How awesome were my seats? Amazing because I didn't go. Here in Aggieland, I'm what you call a 2 percenter. I'm not sure why it's only 2, but this doesn't phase me one bit.

I decided to cook dinner with one of my friends, Maryum. This simple little dinner expanded throughout the weekend into 7 of us (Jeremiah, Stephanie, Maryum, Danielle, Hannah, Chris and I) crowded around our kitchen as we cooked and later the table as we enjoyed a feast together. Rice Krispie Treats, 2 types of queso and chips, chilaquiles, garlic bread and pesto pasta salad. It was amazing to say the least. We also made an ice cream cake, but it wasn't ready before everyone left. I had some today. All I can say is wow and that I'll be going back to the grocery store later this week to make another.

This is now going to be one of our traditions as none of us really go to Kyle Field to watch football. I'm a believer that our tradition is a million times better and certainly tastier!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Really, First Week Back, Really?

This week has been insane. I moved in to my duplex last Saturday afternoon and I've been nonstop ever since, which is the exact opposite of all my plans for this week. Why? Let me give you a brief synopsis:

- lost my wallet.
- got my parents to bring my passport and some money to me.
- replaced my id.
- picked up my paycheck.
- worked through the double major deal so now I'm in the INTS class I need.
- went to the bank to cash my travelers checks from when I studied abroad.
- parents switched my suburban out for my car and put it in the shop.
- picked up my car from the shop without a Driver's License or number.
- felt 16 again as I got a new driver's license.
- tried to pick up my textbooks 3 times before I could even get 1 of them.
- my car wouldn't start and then when I went back with Jeremiah it started automatically.
- Jacquelyn (my roomie) comes home and finds my wallet within minutes of being home.

Really? Seriously? Did this week happen or was it all a dream? Gosh. I am behind in my bible study now because I believe I've spent most of the week clinging to Joshua 1:9 and unfocused whenever I read anything but that verse.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Forget all that stress. It is a beautiful Friday morning. I've read through my bloglist and been greatly encouraged and had a ton of laughs. I absolutely love it when SCL talks about youth groups. It just makes me chuckle. It's going to be a great day though. I'm having lunch with Sam, studying and dinner with Catherine, Midnight Yell with Kali on Kyle field and our friends Katie and Maryum. Then, I'm off to movie night after that because it's tradition. How glorious!