Sunday, November 28, 2010


It's a few days past Thanksgiving, but I thought I'd share with y'all what all I'm thankful for (or at least the things that come to my mind in this instance):

+ My family
+ True friends that will be there through thick and thin
+ Podcasts and beautiful Texas scenery
+ Lovely ASC girls who are willing to hold me accountable even when it's tough
+ The opportunities that God has given me - Brazil, Nicaragua, reconnecting with old friends, attending Texas A&M, etc. etc.
+ Laughter
+ Ponkeys and Teal Jaguars
+ Working with some of the best youth ever
+ Roommates whom I love
+ Aggies beating Longhorns in football
+ Photography and creativity in the world

There are so many more things, but this is a small glimpse of what I'm thankful for this Thanksgiving season. What are you thankful for?

Guess I Should Update y'all?

...But not with my life just yet. I don't really feel like hacking away at the keyboard just yet, but I did find this unpublished post filled with fun things:

There's nothing like a tall glass of sweet tea and reading some blogs to find fun things to share with my friends...

One day my prince will come and he will like traveling, baking and lazy Sundays...

Art and music will keep the family together.

Canoeing makes me wear my heart on a string.

Keeping the wheels turning all the way home.

God created Australian flora to be beautiful.

Just 'getting them'. Them = youth.

Even Mario likes to get some shopping done.

Please buy me all these cameras/artwork. They are gorgeous.