Saturday, June 26, 2010

Oh golly, what fun!

I've got a lot to say about Brazil, but before I can spill about the trip I've got to study. Of course after some transit time, I need to unwind by finding great videos sent to me via twitter. Oh golly, what fun!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Exhausted and Excited

I'm back from Brazil. There is so much to say, that I can't even narrow down what to share first. I love and miss my new friends and family in São Paulo. I'm extremely tired and I don't want that to water down my experiences or those of my teammates on the trip. Instead, I would like to invite you to look at Brian Coats' blog as he blogged two of the days we were in Brazil. Here is Obrigado and God of this city.

Even though we're not in Brazil any longer, our hearts and prayers will forever be with them. I'm personally incredibly excited to see what greater things God has in store for São Paulo, Brazil.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Heading To Brazil

This past week and a half has been filled full of adventure. It all started with a text message about an open spot on a mission trip with my home church to Brazil. I really wish I had the time to go in and explain everything that has gone on, however, it is 9:35 the night before I leave and I have a lot of summer school, picture editing and packing to get done before I go. I'm hoping to find some time to type it out, but I'm not sure when that will be. (My goal, which I know isn't feasible, is to not pull an all-nighter. Ha!)

Just know, that it's a bit crazy how everything came together in just 8ish days.
And with that, I'll be leaving on a plane to Brazil tomorrow!

Want to pray? Splendid! Here's how you can be praying:
I'm going to attach the list of what the team needs prayer for, but to pray for me personally it would be great for y'all to be praying for no stress as I will still be doing summer school stuff, just from Brazil; an open mind/heart receptive to whatever God has in store; my heart to not be complacent (hope that makes sense!)

Now on to how to pray for the entire team!
Sunday, June 13: Pray for God to prepare each team member to be a vessel for Him to use this week; pray for rest before traveling.

Monday, June 14: Pray for safe flights and for unity between the youth and adults; pray for the team’s rest and energy after a long flight; pray for an outpouring of God’s spirit on the team and those we will serve.

Tuesday, June 15: Pray for open doors and relationship with the families we will be serving; pray that we will be light in the darkness and the presence of God in people’s lives.

Wednesday, June 16: Pray for attitudes to be Christ-like and for God’s favor with the local people.

Thursday, June 17: Pray for the lost in Sao Paulo to hear God’s word; pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the evening outreaches.

Friday, June 18: Pray for God to open new doors and give us boldness and confidence to share His message.

Saturday, June 19: Pray for our team to bless our host families and the church, to help meet their needs.

Sunday, June 20: Pray for powerful worship and for some of the new families to come to church; pray for safe travel to Rio.

Monday, June 21: Pray for a fun day of sightseeing and time together; pray for great closing worship and a plan to bring what we have learned back home.

Tuesday, June 22: Pray for safe travel to Sao Paulo and a safe flight home.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Single Ladies

I know I said I'd let you in on what's going on soon. Soon isn't in this post either though. There's something about Beyonce's "Single Ladies" video that I love. What's better than a Christian parody to it?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Side Effect Is Death.

I have gotten four shots within the 48 hours earlier this week. I can't tell you I braved it like a true soldier. I can tell you there was no tears and much to my dismay no lollipops to ease the pain.

The shots weren't the most painful part though, although my arms still hurt and every now and then a sharp shooting pain finds it way into my lower right forearm and my left shoulder. No, this is not what has left a painful mark on me. It was something my mother said. She didn't mean it to be painful, but it was. Why? Because it held a truth that I needed to hear.

She was talking to my doctor and she told him that I wasn't very patient. I don't know what she was talking about. Me, impatient? 110%, yes. Certainly I am impatient. I want things to go my way, on my timing. When they don't, I get a little frustrated. I get a little impatient.

Jonathan Mountainstreams of Stuff Christians Like wrote a blogpost that resonated this idea for his serious Wednesday post. It focuses on how he wants things to move fast and how Jesus might have the steering wheel puttering along on the feeder road, but he's crushing Jesus' sandaled feet under his as he hits the gas pedal hoping Jesus will accidentally swerve onto the 70mph highway. This is how I feel!

Right now, I should be on the road to Houston. I should have my car loaded with an array of clothing that stretch from work clothes to Sunday morning attire, winter jackets and shorts for sitting out by the pool. (This will make sense shortly, but that day isn't today.) I should be thinking about buying a cheap computer already having printed out millions of sheets of paper so that I can do my online summer class reading from anywhere. (And I mean anywhere!)

So where am I? I'm sitting in Langford, the architecture department at Texas A&M reading about patience. About how sometimes, Jesus wants to just putter along with us in the car instead of driving off like a maniac. My sweet roommate, Zara, just got up here to try and help me out with everything. Hopefully we can figure out this whole printing mess and I can be on my way... to begin packing.

One of the side effects of one of the shots I got was death. That may be a side effect of the shot, but the likelihood of that happening wasn't very high on the sheet if I remember correctly. However, the likelihood of my impatience killing me seems to be much higher. Because when I'm impatient, I'm wrapped up in myself. I'm not paying attention to what's going on around me, or who is around me and what they are struggling with. Worse of all, I'm not trusting that Jesus really is fully in control. It's definitely time to fully be sitting in the passenger seat and not crushing Jesus' foot down on the gas pedal.

He knows what He's doing and doesn't need my help whether I like it or not.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Summer Plan #134252-1B

Last weekend, God started doing some crazy works that I'm not quite ready to speak of on here. Either way, I'll let y'all in on exactly what crazy out of this world plan God has for me. We'll call it Summer Plan #134252-1B. I'm excited about this plan. I'm wary of this plan at the same time though. I won't know for sure until Friday at the earliest if this plan will pan out. Please be in pray for this plan. Y'all can shorten it to Plan B in your prayers if y'all like. God knows about it, it's His plan in His hands. Plus, Summer Plan #134252-1B is kind of a mouthful. Please pray for trust and relying fully on Him, against sickness/exhaustion, knowing that either way God will allow things to work out in a way for His glory to shine.

Donate to Compassion International Medical Intervention Fund
Since you'll already be praying, click this to learn more about and see how you can pray for Achille.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer Plan #134352-1

This past month of May has been a time of waiting and celebrations. I've celebrated the arrival of summer, Hanna and Alexis' graduations, and Jeremiah and Stephanie's wedding. I've also done my fair share of waiting to figure out what was going to happen this summer.

The time of waiting is pretty much over. After what seemed like 21 phone call messages just left on one individuals' answering machine at HCC, countless phone calls to others, days of waiting for returned phone calls, everything is solved. How? Hanna and her Mom took me to HCC today and we pulled a few strings and I'll now be in classes this summer. Yay! :)

For the record, that means Summer Plan #134352-1 is a go.