Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Never Too Late to Change - Delve

Hi, I make New Years Resolutions on the 26th of January instead of the 1st. This year, I said that I wasn't going to do any New Years Resolutions. In the last few weeks though, I've changed my mind. In fact, I may have made twelve resolutions...

Reading all the beginning of the year blogs and talking to my friends, Andrea and TeeJay, about all the options of the new year made me desire to actually do something. I've ended up combining a few of my favorite New Years Ideas including Jon Acuff's Finish Year with Words of the Year (Up, Grow, Delightful) and Andrea's sister-in-laws Twelve for Twelve - Twelve Resolutions for the year 2012. 

I'm kind of excited about this. I mean, it's all still new. It is still January. I know making a New Years resolution-ish blog post so close to February is a little iffy, but that's okay!

Twelve for Twelve
They are: Books, 5K, Quotes, Blog, Create, Learn, Gratefulness, Minimize, Handmade, Intentionality, No, Word.

1. Finish Year: Books I've Already Started.

I am positive that I am not the only person with a reading problem. I used to devour full books in a day, now I can't even stumble through reading a full book in a year. I have a knack that no matter how much I am enjoying any particular read, I will stop at Chapter 3. Okay, that's being way too lenient. I usually stop after Chapter 1. I made it to the first page of Chapter 4 on Redeeming Love so in my mind, all the books I've ever started that ended up in piles of books on my nightstand or in my car were all immediately jumped to that first page of Chapter 4. This is exactly how I missed a full half of one of the Harry Potter books. (For the record, I figured it out because of the confusion my mind was in during the movie.) For Finish Year: Books, I will attempt to finally finish all those books that got left behind after that first chapter or so.

2. Finish Year: Work Out More - 5K.
I ran a half marathon once. Okay, okay, I sprinted about 5 minutes during a half marathon that I walked. That does seem quite different now that I think about it. My goal is to run a 5K in its entirety by the end of 2012. I'm going to start slow by walking the majority of one next weekend, but we all have to start somewhere.

3. Finish Year: Quote Book.
I started a quote book when I was in high school. This is really just a green journal that I wrote down a few quotes I liked and has now expanded to a huge list including sections of books that challenge, inspire and make me laugh. I want to fill up the whole thing with quotes from the books I read for Finish Year, scriptures that are near to m heart, favorited tweets and other quotes I've heard or seen around Pinterest.

4. Blog More. Regularly. Intentionally.
You agree on this one, right? I wish I had gotten paid this last semester for every time someone asked me when I was going to update again. I don't want this blog to be a place where I update when I feel like I have the time. I want it to be intentional. I stink at journaling because my hand cramps up, but I can type all day plus I have things to say to the world, whether I always believe it or not. Here's to blogging more regularly!

5. Create.
I was really good at favorite-ing food items on Foodgawker last semester. I was really good at adding blogs to the bookmarks on my computer to come back and look at, cook the recipe of, or craft from, etc. Now after having held out for almost a year, I am finally on Pinterest. (You can follow me here.) It's dumb to have all these great ideas and recipes at my fingertips and not utilize any of them. That is what I will strive to do, whether it's a recipe, craft or whatnot as often as I can.

6. Learn.
Confession time. (Although, my whole 12 for 12 may be one big confession really). I have an awesome camera with access to a ton of great resources and I don't utilize these resources nearly enough. I have a desire to speak Spanish even more fluently yet never practice. I want to be able to tell you what wrong with my car but I just never read up on it. I want to be able to do ________, yet I just don't. For all those things I need to practice or learn, this is their spot in my next year. Can't say it will be perfectly done, but I want to at least put forth an effort.

7. Minimize & Organize.
I have a bunch of stuff I don't need or even have the desire to still have as well as things that are silly but I still want to hold on to. Jeans that don't fit? Yeah, it's time to part ways with you. Piles of ticket stubs in drawers? Let's get you in a book or something. Every card I've gotten in my life? The full drawer is nice, but let's find you a better home. I need to give away and declutter. I need to organize and repurpose.

8. Gratefulness.
'Hi I'm American!' seems to be synonymous with 'Hello, I'm ungrateful.' I want to use up a bunch of thank you notes this year not only so I can get new ones, but because there are a ton of people that could use the encouragement, gratitude and even a Sunday funnie in a letter to brighten up their day. I wan to give that to them.

9. Handmade.
Ever go into a friends house and you can practically see the store layouts of where they got them and which of your other friends also owns it? No? It may just be me and my problem with noticing things at stores right after seeing them at a friends house. It's like individuality has gone out the window with all these brands (Sorry to rag on you Target. You know I love you as I have my fair share of Target buys littering my home). The favorite gifts I've given these last 2 years have been homemade gifts. This is the year I want to try to give as many homemade gifts as possible (although there will be some exceptions!)

10. Intentionality in Relationships.
You can say I'm good at this. You can say I'm terrible at this. Both statements are true. How? I'm really good with being intentional in some relationships and not so intentional in other ones. Why can't I just be intentional in all of them? Its ridiculously hard for sure, but their are definitely some friends that I have allowed to be stranded by the wayside during tough crunch times. (Also, shout out and thank you to all of those whom were more than willing to change our coffee dates into picking out diploma frames, running errands, etc. You know who you are and you are amazing!) This year though, I want to try my best to be fully present during hangouts and opportunities I have with family, friends and strangers. This will be a work in progress, possibly forever.

11. Say No & Relax.
This is for sure going to be the most difficult thing to do. I think it's pretty self explanatory but do more downtime rather than running at 97 miles per hour just because I can. All the running, chaos and last minute plans cause burn out and that's not good to cope with. Why not forgo all that and just rest some before the burn out? Brilliant. This is going to be so hard. 

12. Word.
Delve into the word. This one is also pretty self explanatory, but I really want to get inside the stories of the Bible and really develop not just a relationship with God, but truly a deep intimacy with the scriptures to go alongside of it.

& The one word that sums it all up for me? Delve

 Also, if you've made it this far, enjoy the 2011 Twitter Timeline Review.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Target, I like you a lot.

Dear Target,

I thank you for ads
Awareness without the words
Down syndrome made cool.


That's all I have to say. Noah's Dad (the link) said everything far too perfectly.

Video Link Up

It's the weekend and you ran out of good tv shows to watch online? Me too. It's okay though. Enjoy these videos instead!

Fast Food Folk Song? The guy at the window is astounding.

Purity/Sex Talk Video Rap. It's real and awesome.

Nature is incredible. Digging the stars especially.

I knew cycling was intense, but wow.

I can't tell if I like this music video or just the dogs. Decision? Both.

Superbowl commercial love = only reason to watch the game.

Bustin' a move.

Love this mash up of TV theme songs.

Tearjerker. Makes me miss my granddad.

I kind of want to see this movie: Goodbye, First Love.

So true.

Jaguar. Jaguar. Jaguar. Children are so funny.

Did you know you can buy Carl & Ellie's house from UP? Watch the video at the end for a tour.

Set free.

Way to go veterans! I love the idea of an eat in for a peaceful protest.

Who knew organizing bookcases could be this cool and this awesome?


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012.

1. What did you do in 2011 that you'd never done before?
I took 22 college hours all at once, became a missionary intern for the Quiocho Family in Costa Rica and graduated from college!
2. Did you keep the new years resolution you made last year?
I decided not to make any last year and I think that worked out rather nicely for me.
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yeah! Alejandro and Yendry gave birth to Deikylnn. Jason and Connie gave birth to Rowdy.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
Not this year.
5. What countries did you visit?
Belize and Costa Rica.
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
I struggle with loving everyone no matter what. I want to learn how to do that. - This has not changed since 2007. That still stands. Also, I would really like to have a big girl job that I enjoy.
7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory?
New Years Even with Laura, Lori and her friend, Gina. The random nights spent playing board games at Otter Family Game Nights. It's not really a particular date, but all the nights spent at Chelsea's house doing WILgroup Bible Study and discussing life together. Disciple Bible Study with the "counselor" group. Brambling in Belize. All the Fall 2011 Monday nights doing Journey to Christ and then driving Bri Wilson to ASC. Tons of time watching trick shot videos, hanging out with youth and baking for StudyBreak Cupcake. All those moments spent at the Rio Frio community playing Sorry, hanging out with little children, having sleepovers with Angie, cooking, sharing stories and life in general, laughing and worshiping alongside each other. My last night in Rio Frio - the dinner with everyone and the sleepover with Angie and Kristina. Graduation day.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?

Graduating from college.
9. What was your biggest failure?
Can not knowing what I want to do for the future count as my biggest failure?
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Yeah. We're still not sure what's going on with that.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Costa Rica Internship!
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
13. Whose behavior appalled you the most?
Like I'd really put that here.
14. Where did most of your money go?
Travel, Food & Gas.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Costa Rica!
16. What song will always remind you of 2011?
Kristian Stanfill - Like A Lion and pretty much anything from Passion.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you
a) happier or sadder? happier after the holidays.
b) thinner or fatter? thinner without a doubt.
c) richer or poorer? poorer for sure.
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
Study the Bible and talk to Him. SLEEP/RELAX (in the spring)! Study! Job Hunt.
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
I'm not really sure.
20. How did you spend Christmas?
I spent Christmas eve with my Aunt Polly, Uncle Jim, parents, and Lori eating chicken tetrazini and opening presents. Christmas day was my parents, Lori and I and Jason with his wife and kids. We hung out around the house, ate a big meal for dinner and opened some presents.
21. Did you fall in love in 2011?
22. Did anyone close to you get married?
Alejandro & Yendry! Ben & Jessica! :)
23. What was your favorite TV program?
Wizards of Waverly Place, Haven and FRIENDS.
24. Do you hate anything now that you didn't hate this time last year?
25. What was the best book you read?
I read the first of the Yada-Yada Sisterhood series and loved it. I also read a series about a girl that didn't know what she wanted to do with her life and so she became a baker. I feel like that may have been a beginning catalyst for my baking fall semester. I can't remember the name of the books, but they were actually about that. I mainly read and adored reading blogs though.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
Kristian Stanfill I guess. I already knew about him though.
27. What did you want and get?
28. What did you want and not get?
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
HP7 - the ending, Kung Fu Panda 2 or The Muppets.
30. What did you do on your birthday?
Otter Family Game Night with a few extra friends that turned into broomball at the church.
31. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Knowing what 2012 would look like.
32. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Vintage, classic, detailed, layered, comfort, styled.
33. What kept you sane?
God, youth group, Kathy Kothman, The Quiochos, ASC girls, Kali Myers, A&M UMC, road trips.
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Carlos Whittaker.
35. What political issue stirred you the most?
I can’t really think of any at the moment.
36. Who did you miss?
I miss my friends in Costa Rica.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
I'd have to go with the Quiocho Family and all the people that we met along our summer journey. Also, getting to know Zac Gilts, the A&M UMC Youth Dream Team and some of the A&M UMC counselors better.
38. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011:
These are from 2010, but I never published my 2010 New Year Questionnaire: Plan B. Be flexible and it will all be okay. (Summer study abroad falling through). Just because you started it a long time ago, doesn't mean you are tied down to it. (Crazy Love Bible Study). Do what you love and be with who you love because those around you and what you are doing will affect you, especially your attitude towards life.
& For 2011, there is: Listen to others. Everyone is interesting even if they don't believe it themselves. Help them find it if need be. (Costa Rican Internship). The roots of my faith aren't really what I originally thought. (Spring 2011 WILgroup). Investing time in people will never be a waste of time. (Fall 2011). With God's help, you really can do anything, even 22 hours of classes. God really does care about the little things. (Spring 2011). Days without laughter, are not truly lived. (All year long - Costa Rica SAPC B Team, especially).
39. Quote a song title that sums up your year:
Roaring Like A Lion - Kristian Stanfill

my Life Changes for the year two thousand and twelve are as follows:

1. Grow in Christ's Likeness- become a Godly Woman
- it's like a John 3:30 thing where,
"He must increase, but I must decrease."

That is it for the resolutions this year. I don't want to be "tied down" to others, even if they are fabulous or needed.

& A Different Way To Remember '11:
45 of the most powerful images of 2011. 15, 20 & 45 are my favorites.