Showing posts with label college life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label college life. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

217. 218. 219. [220-222]. 223. 224. [225-233]. 234. [235-237]. 238. 239. [240-242]. 243. 244. 245. [246]. 237. 248. 249. 250! [251-256]. 257. 258. [259]. 260!

It's been about a month since I've been back from studying abroad in Costa Rica with the Quiocho Family. Being back is still extremely weird to me on many different levels. A lot of things have happened in the last few weeks. I've gone back to college and begun trying to readjust back into my 'old' life. It doesn't seem to  really be fitting back together. I'm in a major period of transition from college kid to adult and I'm not a fan of this change at all. Also, I am completely lost as to where my life is leading to say the least.

I realized that I never finished updating my pictures from Costa Rica. In addition to that I have become a slacker on my Project 365 as I have become incredibly horrible at remembering to take photos over this past month. I'm not sure why exactly that my photo taking has decreased, but it is finally starting to increase back up to the daily photo which is good. I'm guessing that the slacking is probably due to a lack of desire, which is what I seem to have for many things that are happening around me right now...

 twohundredandseventeen. unseenbeauty: colorwaitingtohappen.

 twohundredandeighteen. unseenbeauty: beingabletoseevolcanoarenalfrommyroom.

 twohundredandnineteen. unseenbeauty: vacationdayswithfriendsthatarenowfamily.

 twohundredandtwenty through twohundredandtwentytwo. Sad no photo days.

 twohundredandtwentythree. unseenbeauty: smilingisalovelanguagefromtheLord.

 twohundredandtwentythreecontinued. unseenbeauty: thepoweroffriendships.

twohundredandtwentyfour. unseenbeauty: tearsareauniversallyunderstoodlanguage.

twohundredandtwentyfive through twohundredandthirtythree. Sad no photo days.

twohundredandthirtyfour. unseenbeauty: beinghomeandenjoyingfamilylifetogether.
twohundredandthirtyfive through twohundredandthirtyseven. Sad no photo days.

twohundredandthirtyeight. unseenbeauty: timeisplentiful.

twohundredandthirtynine. unseenbeauty: sweetfunnyClydeboy.
twohundredandforty through twohundredandfortytwo. Sad no photo days.

twohundredandfortythree. unseenbeauty: greatfacialexpressions.

 twohundredandfortyfour. unseenbeauty: learningtoenjoysalads.

 twohundredandfortyfive. unseenbeauty: deathtotheoldlife.
 twohundredandfortysix. Sad no photo day.

twohundredandfortyseven. unseenbeauty: beingbackatcollege.

 twohundredandfortyeight. unseenbeauty: havingpeopleandsituationstomiss.

 twohundredandfortynine. unseenbeauty: knowingthattearswillcomeanditwillbeokay.

 twohundredandfifty. unseenbeauty: confusionandblurrinessinlifeisnotthewholereality.
twohundredandfifyone through twohundredandfiftysix. Sad no photo days.

 twohundredandfiftyseven. unseenbeauty: learninghowtoimprovise.

 twohundredandfiftyeight. unseenbeauty: experimentingwithnewrecipes.

 twohundredandfiftyeightcontinued. unseenbeauty: gettingreallygoodatbaking.
twohundredandfifynine. Sad no photo day.

twohundredandsixty. unseenbeauty: obtainingthatmuchcovetedaggiering.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Funky Designs.

Things have been kind of crazy since I got back, so I'm just going to let y'all enjoy some fun design stuff that I found around the blogosphere before I left for Costa Rica. More updates on life back here in the states when I get a chance and things settle down.

Lego of all your previous designs, this wall is way to fun to pass up!

Months after seeing this, I am still floored this is someone's dorm room.

What childhood memories could be created sleeping and dreaming in a tree house.

Not sure if I'd live in a real tree house, but I wouldn't mind spending a few nights.

Money usually allows people to buy design, but why not make money into design?

My Fireside DVD is quite comfy, but the i-Log could take it that comfy-ness a whole new level.

Ribbon is quickly becoming one of my favorite decorative items.

Some people train their dogs to shake. Some people train their kids to put socks into dressers.

This isn't really design room-related but these little potted flowers are adorable.

Sometimes I want to have my own roped-off space, yet have yelling access to people nearby. A rope wall combines this quite nicely.

Who said when you grow up you have to paint inside the lines?

Speaking of painting, I'm in love with this artist's abstract designs and vibrant colors.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

fiftyone. fiftytwo. [53]. fifty4. fifty5. fifty6. fifty7. fifty8. [59]. 60! sixtyone. sixty2. sixty3. sixty4. 65! sixty6. sixty7. sixty8. [69]. 70!

fiftyone. unseenbeauty: learningtocookviacellulardevice.
fiftytwo. unseenbeauty: organization.

fiftythree. Sad no photo day.

fiftyfour. unseenbeauty: helpfulroommate.

fiftyfive. unseenbeauty: ASClove.
fiftysix. unseenbeauty: trickbasketballshots.
fiftyseven. unseenbeauty: stoppingtosmelltheflowers.
fiftysevencontinued. unseenbeauty: God'screation.
fiftysevencontinuedagain. unseenbeauty: thepowerofketchup.

fiftyeight. unseenbeauty: bookcoverillustrations.
fiftynine. Sad no photo day.

sixty. unseenbeauty: the12thman+Bible.
sixtyone. stressful weeks.

sixtytwo. unseenbeauty: thepoweroflaughter.
sixtythree. unseenbeauty: paperstacks.
sixtyfour. unseenbeauty: favoriteverse+awesomedisplay.
sixtyfourcontinued. unseenbeauty: freedominChrist.
sixtyfive. unseenbeauty: wonderfulfriendfilledweekends.
sixtysix. unseenbeauty: comfyspots.
sixtyseven. unseenbeauty: sweetartskills.
sixtyeight. unseenbeauty: dailychoices.
sixtynine. Sad no photo day.

seventy. unseenbeauty: packing.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I Wish

Today, I wish I woke up before my alarm clock with the ability to cook a wonderful breakfast or at least drive through Chickfila before heading off to my first class of the day. After class I wish I had been able to obtain malaria medicine quickly before sitting down with a good not reading this for school book at a favorite coffee shop while waiting to meet up with a friend to catch up on life. Then, I could have gone to my last class which wouldn't be even 1/2 as terrifying as it is in real life. I would have played a few rounds of Rummicub before going to youth before coming home to sit down to watch a movie before snuggling into my bed.

Today, I woke up before my alarm went off and still only had time to grab a chai tea latte and a chewy bar before heading to school. I rushed around College Station calling around and practically giving up on getting malaria medicine. I sat down in the coffeehouse with a pile of papers to read. This is where I remained inundated in political science game theory with a confused look on my face and tears in my eyes. I went to class. What a waste. I went back to coffeehouse, played 2 rounds of Rummicub while shoveling in dinner before heading to Stacey's to learn game theory. Then, I went back to coffeehouse to read more political science. Now I am home. I want to go to bed. I still have 2 chapters of powerpoint slides to go over before even beginning to study for my Spanish test tomorrow.

What I wish and what is real isn't the same.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Unphotographed Four. & Midterms!

Four. Four days on my 365 went unphotographed.
This is okay though. I knew that I would miss days starting the project and I decided to not hold it over my head. Missing days happens and it will not be the end of my world. Plus, I usually don't just take one picture most days, so it's not like I'm not getting the practice in.

What did I do these days? I believe for two of the days, I hit the hay exhausted. Three days could be counted this way if you wanted to add in my birthday which I ended up taking a nap and waking up the next day. The other day is lost to the imagination as I do not recall at this moment why it went unphotographed. Plus, without a photograph it is as if that day never happened. Just kidding!

I'll probably upload new pictures in a few days. I'm editing right now and then will probably hit the hay. 22 hours of classes isn't meant for humans.

My planner a few weeks back told me this: "I try to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once." - Jennifer Yane. So true, so true.

Here's to the next 3 weeks of midterms!: 14 tests, 5 homeworks due (doesn't include individual assignments), 1 photo project, 1 research paper outline/thesis/bibliography (If you know me and how I write, the paper will have to be practically done to get this.), 1 JHigh Girls' Bible Study lead, and 1 youth retreat between weeks 1 and 2. Bring it, Midterms, Bring it!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School's started.
I think the way to describe my feelings towards it is way less than excited.
Actually, I'm rather anti-excited.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Adventure, Plan B & Being Deadline Oriented

This summer has been crazy in ways that I never would have thought of when I was between study abroad, summer school and looking for a job. God's taken my scraggly plans and made them blossom into something that I would have never expected or deserved even. This summer, I've been on the go between cities and even countries as I've traveled with two different youth groups as a volunteer counselor. In addition to that, I've been doing summer school. (It was a success by the way!) The following is a journey through part of my July facebook status updates that I just think are really funny and indicative of what's been going on.

AK would gladly start hardcore training for a marathon or triathlon if she just never had to think about summer school again. She's talking about the real deal complete with the diet and getting up at 5AM to run.

AK To be responsible... or not? Ashley Karlen is on her way to a mystery location with a bag packed full of mystery items. L-O-V-E it's a mystery.

AK ‎"You have 4(.5) years to be irresponsible here. Relax. Work is for people with jobs. You'll never remember class time, but you'll remember tme you wasted hanging out with your friends. So, stay (up) late. (Go to UM ARMY) with your friends when you have (3) papers due (Monday and a test). Spend (time) you don't have. (Have fun) 'til sunrise. The work never ends, but (online classes do)..." UM ARMY for the week? Yes.

AK Dear summer school, we only have a short while left together. Not so sad. & You will not defeat me. Thank you and never come back. Ashley Karlen is very conflicted over whether she wants to study and take a math test today or if she wants to write a research paper. She'd rather go camping.

AK ‎"It's not procrastination, I'm just deadline oriented." Truth. Math class? 1 week? 94! What? What? Now... 24 hours to write 3 papers. Bring it, summer school, bring it.

AK does not think anything could motivate her to write these papers. 2 more papers. 9 hours. & Still no sense of urgency...

AK ‎3 math tests in one day? Check. 3 papers written in one day? Check. Running on coffee, tea and little sleep? Of course.

And before all of those statuses (plus a few that didn't make it over to the blog) this was put up:
AK thinks this summer is all about the Plan B's of being in transit or repacking a suitcase to be in transit to a new adventure. This just may be the best summer of my life.
Now that my friends, is the truth.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Why Won't Facebook Write My Paper For Me?

I’ve had my fair share of rounds of tests, papers, and projects that have accumulated throughout the semester. A lot of times all of this stress seems to erupt in one crazy week of rushing around trying to multitask a million things, studying as much as possible within a short amount of time and relying on Starbucks to get me through the many sleepless nights. This seems to be a part of the college experience as all of my friends and I struggle with a time management problem called procrastination that seems to result in long to-do lists with no time to do them in.

I think the problem is procrastination, which lurks on the internet in a various of ways, such as: twitter, myspace, facebook, youtube, itunes,, blogs, email, instant messenger, addicting games and the list continues. See if any of the following applies to you:

- Watching full movies on youtube even if you have to wait 5 minutes between every part so that it loads. That’s the best time to take a bathroom break and get a new cup of joe, right?
- Memorizing all of the lyrics to “Hakuna Matata” in Spanish, Portuguese and having the desire to learn the German version next. You never know when you’re on a gameshow and will need to bust this song out in Portuguese.
- Discovering a new TV show (Mary Tyler More, Quarterlife, Joey) and watching every episode made of that show. We act as if they are only on that website today and will be deleted the moment our paper is submitted.
- Editing old pictures and posting them on your facebook complete with tags and captions. There’s no better time to post those pictures of your friends playing in the February snow when it is 85 degrees outside and you’ve got a book to read before you can write a paper over it.
- Deciding to start a tweeting experiment on twitter where you write a musical with some friends. It definitely won’t be annoying and will probably be so well written that it will be the next show on Broadway.

These things are all ridiculous in light that our studies aren’t yet done. We are running out of time before the test. Would we really rather have a B or a C on the test just because we chose to learn the lyrics to the German version of “Hakuna Matata” instead? As college students, we are trapped in this seemingly neverending cycle of needing to procrastinate in order to get anything done. What would happen if we didn’t log on to facebook before sitting down to do research for our papers? What would happen if we didn’t think that for every 5 minutes of studying, we need to watch 5 videos off of youtube? What would happen if we discovered playing online tetris really won’t help our project to finish itself?

You know what would happen? We’d probably have better grades, be less stressed and have more free time when it really matters. Here’s some ideas to overcome procrastination and help you finish that paper not only before it is due but before you start a marathon of FRIENDS episodes you just found on the internet:

Open your computer with just the word document for your paper and any necessary materials. Facebook is never a necessary material unless you are writing a paper about social media. If so, good luck and schedule a longer amount of time to work on it.

- Print out all the necessary documents needed before your study session begins. This way, you won’t accidentally slip a into your browser search while looking for that last document that’s on your test. I know you’re sure Ashton Kutcher uploaded in a tweet, but he really didn’t.
- Don’t bring your computer. If you bring it and don’t need it, don’t turn it on. You’d be surprised that upon signing out of social networks and shutting down, computers do not in fact explode due to a lack of use.
- Get online only during study breaks for a brief timed period. Once your time is up, do not hit the mental snooze button no matter how much you believe the alarm will alert you when 5 minutes have passed. In three hours after various time wasting activities have taken place, you will realize differently.

It’s time to go study! Now, put down the headphones. We both know you aren’t going to listen to classical music while you type and instead plan on “just hearing the latest episode of The Office play in the background”, which really means that you’ll end up watching it and two more. This won’t end well unless you put procrastination off instead of putting off all of your school work.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Shift in Global Christianity

Last night, I attended a lecture on the The Shift in Global Christianity. I had originally wanted to go, decided against it and then one of my professors emailed me about the extra credit opportunity of attending and writing a summary of this very lecture. I will probably be posting all of my notes on here soon in a very non-cohesive way. In the mean time feel free to be enlightened/challenged by my summary of the lecture that just brushes what's bouncing around in my brain:

I usually hate being given factoids comprised of numbers. When Dr. Jenkins started spitting out at statistics, at first I was weary but this quickly changed. He started spitting out these astounding numbers of how the demographics of Christianity is shifting. In 1900, 1/3 of of the worlds' inhabitants subscribe to Christianity. 80-85% of the Christian population was in North America and Europe. In 2050 the projection of this will still be 1/3 of the world's inhabitants subscribing to Christianity, however, only 25% of the population will be in North America and Europe.

This is a huge demographic shift for Christianity away from ancient lands of Christianity. Where is it going? Africa, Latin America and Asia is where they will be residing, otherwise known as the global south. The big question that Dr. Jenkins seemed to be answering was why? In the future, there will be a larger proportion of people to be living in the world and the demographics will be distributed differently was the short vague answer.

However, there was another answer, a powerful gripping answer that those living in poverty (typically seen to be those located in the global south) have a different take on reading the bible in today's world as well as having a different conversion process. One of the African theologians who I was unable to jot down a name said that “If any African can't identify with their old testament, then they've lost their Africanness.”

Jenkins goes on to talk about the many hymns (upwards of thousands) that we don't know because they are in Swahili and other languages that we do not know. There are 16,000 hymns in the Dinka language alone. It was interesting to hear how the Psalms related the Bible to their actual lives as lions would leave the entrails behind in one of the hymns demonstrated during the presentation. He spoke of how whoever wrote Psalm 126 knew famine and that's what the African people can relate to. They can relate to a widow tearing up her whole house searching for a coin. Reading the bible with a global perspective changed what we otherwise would have thought what the bible was saying to us.

Two other major changes will be that the majority of the world's Christians will be chiefly a poor society. The other being that they will live in a very different spiritual universe than Europe or US, a more charismatic one which believes firmly in healing and exorcisms. Also, instead of the U.S. and Europe sending missionaries to places such as Nigeria, they instead will be sending missionaries to us.

This is going to be a very scary thing for the traditional churches in the U.S. and Europe. The closing remarks were Jenkins talking to a woman who feared the counter current movement of right now saying instead to “Look south. Don't want to? Don't worry, it'll come to you.”

Monday, September 7, 2009

Why? Scroll to #1.

TEN things you wish you could say to TEN different people right now:
1. You are way too funny. I'm so glad God brought us together!
2. I'm not sure where I would be right now if I'd never met you and for that, I'm thankful.
3. Even though I don't think I've said it, I'm super super excited for where your life is heading.
4. I wish you could see yourself the way I see you.
5. I miss our friendship and the way it was.
6. Please, don't ask me anymore.
7. I love you to death, but you scare me sometimes.
8. I don't think we'll ever be living in the same city ever again. 3 times a year isn't enough to see each other.
9. Thanks for being there for me. I truly cherish our friendship despite not saying it enough.
10. I wish I could be at home with you right now, watching tv.

NINE things about yourself:
1. I'm a 2%.
2. I believe in tie-dying.
3. Christ is the one who came to set me free.
4. I would rather be on a mission trip 95% of the time.
5. I have a temperature of 96.1 right now. I checked a few minutes ago.
6. I sketch.
7. I love how our living room looks like a street cafe.
8. I have no idea where God is taking me in life and I'm generally okay with that.
9. I don't ever plan on getting a tattoo.

EIGHT ways to win your heart:
1. Laughter.
2. Trust.
3. Peace.
4. Christ.
5. Support.
6. Appreciation.
7. Quality Time.
8. Adventure.

SEVEN things that cross your mind a lot:
1. This phrase: "Really? Really? Really?" or a variation of it.
2. What's for dinner?
3. I wish I was in sweatpants.
4. I wonder what ______ is doing in ______ country.
5. "Wouldn't it be cool if...?"
6. I should be reading.
7. I just want to go kayaking and camping.

SIX things you do before you go to bed:
1. Facebook.
2. Turn off the lights.
3. Read my Bible.
4. Ponder.
5. Check to see my alarm time is set.
6. relax.

FIVE people who mean a lot to you:
I'm doing categories: Family, CL Friends, A&M UMC Friends, College Friends & Old Church Friends.

FOUR things you’re wearing right now:
1. Sweatshirt
2. ASC Shirt
3. A&M Windbreaker Pants
4. Ponytail Holder

THREE songs that fit your life perfectly:
They don't fit, but I like them:
1. "Unashamed Love" - Jason Morant
2. "I'm Yours" - Jason Mraz
3. "Come Thou Fount (Of Every Blessing)"

TWO things you want to do before you die:
1.Travel the World
2. Learn to love like Christ as well as I possibly can.

ONE confession:
1. I should be reading for my classes tomorrow, but taking this survey felt like it would make a much more significant impact in my life. Yeah right! Off to read...

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I'm an Aggie. Yesterday was a Saturday here in Aggieland (and everywhere else as far as I know). More than that though, it was the day where the 12th man came together in Kyle Field for the first game of the season. How awesome were my seats? Amazing because I didn't go. Here in Aggieland, I'm what you call a 2 percenter. I'm not sure why it's only 2, but this doesn't phase me one bit.

I decided to cook dinner with one of my friends, Maryum. This simple little dinner expanded throughout the weekend into 7 of us (Jeremiah, Stephanie, Maryum, Danielle, Hannah, Chris and I) crowded around our kitchen as we cooked and later the table as we enjoyed a feast together. Rice Krispie Treats, 2 types of queso and chips, chilaquiles, garlic bread and pesto pasta salad. It was amazing to say the least. We also made an ice cream cake, but it wasn't ready before everyone left. I had some today. All I can say is wow and that I'll be going back to the grocery store later this week to make another.

This is now going to be one of our traditions as none of us really go to Kyle Field to watch football. I'm a believer that our tradition is a million times better and certainly tastier!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Really, First Week Back, Really?

This week has been insane. I moved in to my duplex last Saturday afternoon and I've been nonstop ever since, which is the exact opposite of all my plans for this week. Why? Let me give you a brief synopsis:

- lost my wallet.
- got my parents to bring my passport and some money to me.
- replaced my id.
- picked up my paycheck.
- worked through the double major deal so now I'm in the INTS class I need.
- went to the bank to cash my travelers checks from when I studied abroad.
- parents switched my suburban out for my car and put it in the shop.
- picked up my car from the shop without a Driver's License or number.
- felt 16 again as I got a new driver's license.
- tried to pick up my textbooks 3 times before I could even get 1 of them.
- my car wouldn't start and then when I went back with Jeremiah it started automatically.
- Jacquelyn (my roomie) comes home and finds my wallet within minutes of being home.

Really? Seriously? Did this week happen or was it all a dream? Gosh. I am behind in my bible study now because I believe I've spent most of the week clinging to Joshua 1:9 and unfocused whenever I read anything but that verse.

Joshua 1:9
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

Forget all that stress. It is a beautiful Friday morning. I've read through my bloglist and been greatly encouraged and had a ton of laughs. I absolutely love it when SCL talks about youth groups. It just makes me chuckle. It's going to be a great day though. I'm having lunch with Sam, studying and dinner with Catherine, Midnight Yell with Kali on Kyle field and our friends Katie and Maryum. Then, I'm off to movie night after that because it's tradition. How glorious!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Heading Back

It's my last night in Houston for the summer. I can't believe summer is over. It's bittersweet to say the least. Tomorrow, I'll be packing the rest of my stuff up into my car. In the meantime, I'll be praying that it all fits and preferably with a spot to pick up a friend on the way to my duplex. I'm hoping to not have to make a second trip down because I'm not sure when that would happen.

I'm hoping to make some semester goals and sticking to them. I've got a couple that have been mulling over in my mind lately, but we'll see what my last major drive for awhile comes up with before I go ahead and tell y'all. Why tell? I need a record and I can't lose this like I can a sheet of paper although I will be writing it in my journal. Mainly though, I need accountability from y'all, whoever y'all may be so that I maintain even a semblance of my goals.

I've been cramming in a lot of last minute things in the last three weeks. I had the joy of travelling to Austin to see the UTXA crew with Matt & Jen, the youth pastor and family from Wrangell. It was wonderful to see everyone and just catch up with them a bit before their semester started.

It's harder for me to leave Austin every time I visit. I'm not really ready to go back to A&M. I'm ready to see everyone. I'm just not get back to the hustle and bustle of everything especially as it consumed me last year.

No breaks though. I already have plans for tomorrow night and all day Sunday. Hopefully Monday I'll have some rest. I'm not holding out for that though. Nothing like being thrust back into the culture of A&M and the college life in general.

Enough about that, I'm sure I'll be revisiting these thoughts soon.

I read some interesting blogs tonight that I can't keep to myself. I'm inviting you to check them out. They both deal with social justice issues, something very dear to my heart, although both blogs are approached in very different manners.

This first one crushes me, but I'm glad that I am aware of this injustice.

The second one makes me rethink my daily life and seems very in line with my life in general. In short it is an inspiration.

Now to return to packing. It seems as if I have quite a bit to do before even thinking about making my thoughts of slumber into reality.