I realized that I never finished updating my pictures from Costa Rica. In addition to that I have become a slacker on my Project 365 as I have become incredibly horrible at remembering to take photos over this past month. I'm not sure why exactly that my photo taking has decreased, but it is finally starting to increase back up to the daily photo which is good. I'm guessing that the slacking is probably due to a lack of desire, which is what I seem to have for many things that are happening around me right now...
twohundredandseventeen. unseenbeauty: colorwaitingtohappen.
twohundredandeighteen. unseenbeauty: beingabletoseevolcanoarenalfrommyroom.
twohundredandnineteen. unseenbeauty: vacationdayswithfriendsthatarenowfamily.
twohundredandtwenty through twohundredandtwentytwo. Sad no photo days.
twohundredandtwentythree. unseenbeauty: smilingisalovelanguagefromtheLord.
twohundredandtwentythreecontinued. unseenbeauty: thepoweroffriendships.
twohundredandtwentyfour. unseenbeauty: tearsareauniversallyunderstoodlanguage.
twohundredandtwentyfive through twohundredandthirtythree. Sad no photo days.
twohundredandthirtyfour. unseenbeauty: beinghomeandenjoyingfamilylifetogether.
twohundredandthirtyfive through twohundredandthirtyseven. Sad no photo days.
twohundredandthirtyeight. unseenbeauty: timeisplentiful.
twohundredandthirtynine. unseenbeauty: sweetfunnyClydeboy.
twohundredandforty through twohundredandfortytwo. Sad no photo days.
twohundredandfortythree. unseenbeauty: greatfacialexpressions.
twohundredandfortyfour. unseenbeauty: learningtoenjoysalads.
twohundredandfortyfive. unseenbeauty: deathtotheoldlife.
twohundredandfortysix. Sad no photo day.
twohundredandfortyseven. unseenbeauty: beingbackatcollege.
twohundredandfortyeight. unseenbeauty: havingpeopleandsituationstomiss.
twohundredandfortynine. unseenbeauty: knowingthattearswillcomeanditwillbeokay.
twohundredandfifty. unseenbeauty: confusionandblurrinessinlifeisnotthewholereality.
twohundredandfifyone through twohundredandfiftysix. Sad no photo days.
twohundredandfiftyseven. unseenbeauty: learninghowtoimprovise.
twohundredandfiftyeight. unseenbeauty: experimentingwithnewrecipes.
twohundredandfiftyeightcontinued. unseenbeauty: gettingreallygoodatbaking.
twohundredandfifynine. Sad no photo day.
twohundredandsixty. unseenbeauty: obtainingthatmuchcovetedaggiering.
Yay for blogging! And you are definitely not alone in this whole adult transition thing :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Sunanda! It's hard to not feel alone, even though I know it's not the truth. :/
ReplyDeleteTrust me! I know exactly what you are going through! If you ever want to talk, I'm always here :)
ReplyDeleteI just realised that you even have your own little logo thing. :)
ReplyDeleteHaha. Yes! All thanks to my friend Jeremiah!